
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Notice of Collection, Processing and Use of Personal Data

Volkswagen Taiwan Group Taiwan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we" or " Volkswagen Taiwan ") hereby informs you of the following matters in accordance with the Taiwan's Personal Data Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Data Act "):

By visiting or accessing Volkswagen Taiwan's website and mobile apps, you acknowledge and agree to the practices, requirements and/or policies of this Privacy Policy and hereby consent to our collection, use, disclosure and/or processing of personal data described herein. If you do not consent to the processing of your personal data in the manner described in this Privacy Policy, please do not use Volkswagen Taiwan's website and mobile apps. Volkswagen Taiwan reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. If any changes are made to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting those changes or the revised Privacy Policy on Volkswagen Taiwan's website and mobile apps. If you continue to use Volkswagen Taiwan's website and mobile apps, including registering for an account and ordering products, you shall be deemed to understand and agree to the changes to this Privacy Policy.

  1. The purposes of the collection
In accordance with the Personal Data Act and related laws and regulations, for the purpose of providing you with access to and use of Volkswagen Taiwan's website and mobile apps, registering an account on the Volkswagen Taiwan's website and mobile apps, conducting transactions, requesting information, subscribing to information, providing feedback, and conducting various inquiries (sales and warranty of new cars and peripheral products); or for the purpose of contacting you, marketing (including but not limited to advertising and notification of various products, events, promotions, special offers or transaction order processing, etc.), performing consumer and client management analysis, managing and operating accounts registered on Volkswagen Taiwan's website and mobile apps, performing any act necessary for the scope of business as set forth in the company's business registration or articles of incorporation, accessing, maintaining and disclosing your registered account information and content as required by law, court order or governmental authority. We collect, process, use and cross-border transfer your personal information.

  1. The categories of the personal data to be collected
The personal data Volkswagen Taiwan collect from you, in accordance with the " The specific purpose and the classification of personal data of the Personal data Protection Act ", include, but are not limited to, type for identifying individuals, type of characteristic, social conditions, details concerning finance, business information, transaction information, payment and identifying financial information or other categories, such as name, mobile phone, home, office phone number, e-mail, address, ID card number, gender, date of birth or other information that can directly or indirectly identify you personally.

If you use your social media account to register for an account or to obtain access, Volkswagen Taiwan may access information that you voluntarily provided to the social media account provider under that social media account provider's policies.

  1. The time period, territory, recipients, and methods of which the personal data are used
Recipients: Volkswagen Taiwan and its authorized dealers in Taiwan (including but not limited to Taikoo Motors Limited Taiwan Branch (BVI), Grand Talent International Co., Ltd., Shyuan Feng Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Yang Sheng Motors Company Ltd., Zongcheng Motors Co., Ltd., Ming Fung Auto Car Limited, Jin Dong Motors Co., Ltd.), Volkswagen AG and other third parties authorized and commissioned by each of the aforementioned companies ("Partners"), other organizations with which Volkswagen Taiwan and Partners have business dealings, authorities or other government agencies with investigative jurisdiction under the law, and other recipients of personal data transmitted cross-border that are not restricted by the central government authority in charge of the industry concerned.

Territory: The location of the aforementioned recipients and the location involved in the cross-border transmission, including but not limited to the Republic of China and Germany.

Time period: The period of time for which the purpose of personal data collection continues, the period of retention in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations or contractual agreements, and the period of retention necessary for the execution of the business of Volkswagen Taiwan and its Partners.

Methods: To collect, process and use the personal data you provide by automated machines or other non-automated means, including, but not limited to, written, telephone, SMS, fax, e-mail, internet, paper or other means appropriate for the purpose of collection and in accordance with current scientific technology.

  1. In accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Data Act, you may exercise the following rights with respect to personal data
Volkswagen Taiwan and its Partners will take appropriate and secure measures to protect your personal data. You may at any time exercise the following rights with respect to the personal data you provide to us by means of communications disclosed on our official website: (1) to request access or review; (2) to make copies; (3) to request supplements or corrections; (4) to request the cessation of collection, processing and use; and (5) to request deletion.

  1. Personal data of children
Volkswagen Taiwan's website and mobile apps are not intended for children under the age of 13. Volkswagen Taiwan do not knowingly collect or retain any personal data or personally unidentifiable information from children under the age of 13, and Volkswagen Taiwan's websites and mobile apps are not intended for children under the age of 13. Parent or legal guardian of a child under the age of 13 shall ensure that the child does not provide personal data to Volkswagen Taiwan, or the parent or legal guardian shall be deemed to be acting on the child's behalf and be bound by such act. We will close all accounts dedicated to children under the age of 13 and will remove and/or delete all personal data that we believe was submitted by a child under the age of 13 who is not represented by a parent or legal guardian.

  1. Information collected by third parties
Some of the content, advertisements or features on Volkswagen Taiwan's website and mobile apps may be provided by third parties that are not affiliated with Volkswagen Taiwan. For example: video content provided by content providers; some third parties may provide advertisements or track which advertisements users view, how often they view those advertisements, and how users respond to the advertisements; and we may enable you to share specific information from our website and mobile applications with others through social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn.

These third parties may collect or receive certain information related to your use of the services, including through the use of cookies, metrics and similar technologies, and this information may be collected over time and combined with information collected across websites and online services. We do not control the data collection and use practices of these companies, and we encourage you to review the terms and other policies of these third parties posted on their websites or elsewhere.

In addition, if you choose to use the social networking service to access the websites on a device that is used by someone other than you, those other users may be able to see the information stored or displayed on the social networking service account to which you are connected.

  1. Disclaimer for third party websites
Volkswagen Taiwan's website and mobile apps may be linked to third party websites and services that are not under our control. We are not responsible for the security or privacy of any information collected by third party websites or other services. When you access these sites, such access is at your own risk and you should review the privacy statements applicable to the third-party sites and services you use.

  1. VIII.Questions and concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please feel free to contact: